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Transport and Transportation

Smart and cost-effective transport with a double deck trailer

Maximizing the capacity of truck for road transport is crucial. After all, the more goods can be loaded in a single heavy good vehicle, the lower your costs are. Moreover, this will lead to fewer of said vehicles on our roads. This leads to fewer traffic jams and fewer emissions. In short, efficient road transport is good for all. So, how do you maximize the loading capacity? Especially when it comes the transport of large and voluminous goods? The answer comes from a Dutch logistics company. Blankers Transport offers efficient road transport by using double deck trailers.

How does a double deck trailer work?

What is a double deck trailer you may ask yourself? Well, the answer lies in the name. This is a special truck trailer with not one, but two loading floors. These floors are equipped with a hydraulic lift mechanism. This is to facilitate loading so that the forklift operator can easily load the floors, one after the other. Once the first floor has been loaded, it is lifted up and out of the way. Next, the second floor of this double deck trailer is loaded, after which both floors are lowered into their final positions. When the cargo consist of goods such as foam or matrasses, the decks can be lowered slightly to compress the goods. This way, more goods can be stowed in a single truck. As such, the double deck trailer really maximizes loading capacity.

Discover the many benefits yourself!

Do you wish to transport large quantities of your goods in an efficient and cost-effective manner? Then be sure to get in touch with Blankers Transport. This Dutch company has a large fleet of trucks, including double deck trailers which will take your goods to your destination of choice anywhere in Europe. Moreover, the fleet is equipped with a BV3 alarm, which guarantees the safety of your goods during transport. Want to know more about transport via a double deck trailer? Get in touch with Blankers Transport! Their multilingual employees are happy to help you find the perfect transport solution!