You find out you’re pregnant. And that wasn’t the plan. What to do? If you choose to terminate the pregnancy, Bloemenhovekliniek Haarlem and Abortuskliniek Amsterdam are trusted addresses. The clinics have been working together for some time. Both locations offer abortion services. The clinic in Heemstede, near Haarlem, offers abortion treatments up to 22 weeks of pregnancy. How old you are and what country you come from: it doesn’t matter. You are welcome! To be clear, in our country you can also go to a hospital for termination of pregnancy. We list the two differences for you. – The treatment at Bloemenhovekliniek Haarlem and Abortuskliniek Amsterdam is completely anonymous. If you go to a hospital, your health insurance company will be notified of the procedure. – You do not have to pay anything for an abortion at Bloemenhovekliniek Haarlem and Abortuskliniek Amsterdam. The only condition is that you live and/or work in the Netherlands. If you choose a hospital, you do have to pay a part of your deductible. Abortion pillAt the clinics, girls and women up to 8 weeks pregnant can be given an abortion pill. This so-called medicated abortion consists of two different pills that both inhibit and terminate the pregnancy. The treatment consists of 2 stages. Stage 1 takes place at Bloemenhove Clinic Haarlem or Abortion Clinic Amsterdam. You will be given the drug Mifegyne® during the appointment. This is a pill that you swallow with a little water. During phase 2 – at your home – you insert the second drug, misoprostol, vaginally yourself. You do this at least 24 hours and up to 72 hours after taking Mifegyne®. After insertion, it is best to lie quietly on your bed or couch for half an hour. About 1-2 hours after you insert misoprostol, shedding begins. Be prepared that it can take a long time, sometimes as long as 24 hours. Misoprostol causes contractions of the uterus, which can be painful. There may also be blood loss. You could compare it to a menstrual period, but more intense and possibly more painful. Is the pregnancy more advanced? Then you are eligible for other treatments. On our website, you can find all the information you need about abortion for an unwanted pregnancy. | |