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WoW Classic: Requirements For The Naxxramas Event

There are parallel worlds of WoW and each one has its events. While Sylvannas is the new antagonist in Shadowlands, in Classic they are just waiting for the Invasion of the Scourge and the launch of Naxxramas, one of the first raids of WoW and one of the most popular.


The introductory patch had been finally released on December 1. To enter the Raid you will need to be decorated with the title of Argent Dawn, which you achieve by completing missions in the different areas of the Scourge.


However, the normal thing is that you want to prepare well since the enemies there have certain weaknesses that must be exploited. For that, you have to take advantage of the Plague Invasion event that will guarantee players necrotic runes and with which they can buy oils and sacred whetstones to face the enemies of the raid.


The event consisted (it was the same in 2006) in defending 300 areas attacked by enemies of La Plaga. It also lasted only a week, so many missed an important opportunity to get items to win the raid.


That is why Blizzard has changed the conditions of the event. They argue that there are now more and more experienced players, so they increased the areas to defend to 600. The duration of the entire event will extend until December 31, and there will be additional days (which will not go beyond December 31) for those who could not defend the areas on the days indicated.


And it is that first 100 zones will appear to defend, then 200 and finally 300. Before, at the end of the last 300, the event ended, but now it will continue until December 31 so that no one feels pressured.


Remember that after obtaining the objects you have to organize the raid with 39 other people to be able to overcome it with solvency. Naxxramas and Kel’thuzad arrived in WoW Classic on December 3, and the Invasion of the Scourge will run until December 31.


If you need WoW Classic Gold, go get some at GoldPiles.



 (Contributed by GB; Edited by Hermes_Fang)