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Converting to an eco-friendly office

We’re well on our way to mastering the eco life in the home, so why don’t we bring this into the workplace. As an individual, you won’t have as much control over the decisions made in the office, but where you can, it’s important to follow those green living tips you have picked up throughout the years.

Small everyday changes can make the difference and if you can say you’ve done what you, that’s all that matters. Here are 6 ways that you can stop producing waste and becoming more eco in a working environment.

Stop printing

Have you ever pressed print and watched as page after page falls out of the printer? I have and it’s alarming how many pages you can get through within a week. It’s becoming less popular to print documents off when it’s easier to email them or make notes at your desk without having to sacrifice a whole packet of paper.

Whilst it can be recycled, which is great, if you can stop the usage in the first place – even better!

Switch it off

Most people are guilty of leaving their electronics on standby, whether this be a TV or computer. At the end of the day make sure all your electricals are turned off. In a workplace that could be a PC, fridge, phone or printer, by switching them off you’ll be saving on energy.

Refillable Pens

Using a pen at work is standard, but if you have a look at your pen now, you’ll see that it’s most likely made of plastic. Once it’s ran out, it’ll be thrown away and you’ll pick up a new one and carry on with your day.

To stop the waste of the pen packaging, it’s a good idea to research refillable pens. This way you can change the cartridge and use the outer casing time and time again.

Buy in bulk

Within the workplace you require a lot of supplies for the number of staff you have, buying in bulk can provide the right amount of supplies for the right cost. Shopping around or buying from a wholesaler can cut the cost drastically, as well as using less packaging, which is a win win situation.

Prepare your food

Food waste comes from uneaten food or the packaging this comes in. Planning your daily snacks and lunches can help with both points. If you weigh out or cook the right amount of food for 1 day, you’ll end up with little to no food waste. Eating natural foods is a fantastic way to get nutrients you need whilst cutting out any harmful plastics.

Welcome nature

Adding a plant to your workspace is a brilliant way to bring nature into the office. Plants have a reputation for helping relieve stress at work, so investing in a small plant to keep on your desk is great to keep you mentally healthy and looks rather pretty too!


These 6 options are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to being eco-friendly within the workplace. Looking around at your desk you’ll see changes you can make to the environment or to a working processes that can be amended.

They might seem like small changes, but there all heading in the right direction of cutting down on plastics, waste and causing more harm on the planet.